Besides proper training, eating right, and getting your mind prepared for an OCR race – it’s critical to have the day before all planned out and ready before you hit the course. We’ve made a short checklist below to help you prepare before, during, and after an OCR race. Good luck, race hard, and crush it!

  1. Your ID and race registration. Don’t come all the way to a race and forget this critical first step. Keep a photocopy on your phone in image or PDF file to be safe.
  2. Cash for parking and the event area. Head there early to find a good spot, stretch out, and get mentally prepared before the race.
  3. Something to eat and drink before the race. Go with what your stomach already knows and avoid heavy foods. Many racers we know go with smoothies since it’s easily absorbed by the body.
  4. Race clothes. Avoid cotton at all costs since it stays heavy and wet once it gets in contact with water or mud. Go with performance fabrics, preferably MudGear.
  5. Protective Gear. Compression socks, arm sleeves, and gloves for protection if you plan to attack the course. Preferably MudGear too if possible.
  6. Shoes with good tread. You don’t want to be the one slipping down a hill that’s wet and muddy because your shoes had poor grip!
  7. Sunscreen. Just because you are cold and wet doesn’t mean you are protected from the sun’s UV rays.
  8. Old Towels. You won’t get all the way clean after a race, but they will help!
  9. Change Of Clothes. Depending on where you run, a jacket or small blanket might be useful too afterwards.
  10. Garbage Bag. For your dirty and muddy clothes
  11. Extra Shoes. Self-explanatory
  12. First Aid Kit. Band-aids, ibuprofen, and other items for cuts and bruises.
  13. Sunglasses. Because who doesn’t want to look good jumping over the fire?
  14. Phone. Chances are you’re reading this on one, so be sure to snag some great pics and tag #MudGear so we can send a fist bump your way!  I also recommend a high quality phone case.  I'm an Android hold out and my favorite cases are by Ghostek.  This is my Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 case

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