OCR STARS from Hunter McIntyre Expected to Deliver Cool Payouts

Hunter McIntyre rushes up a steep dune in Malibu

What’s gotten into Hunter McIntyre? Every time we look, The Sheriff is challenging someone on social media to take his money. He recently challenged anyone to even come close to his ascent up a gnarly sand dune in Malibu. Well, it cost him a grand. 

Hunter McIntyre paid a $1000 to the guy who completed his challenge.

Let’s sidestep to acknowledge where this not-quite gambling addiction started. Hunter was the undisputed champion of Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge for multiple seasons. Each week we’d watch competitors try to break his record on the show’s Skull Buster obstacle course, and each week they’d fail… putting more money in Hunter’s account. So, it would be easy to dismiss these money challenges as just a way for Hunter to taunt us with his dominance. However, there seems to be more to it. OCR Stars is the new virtual even from Hunter McIntyre with big prizes in the works.

As Hunter explained it on recent podcasts, he wants to give back to an OCR community that is hurting for actual competition and serious payout. That’s why Hunter and his team are organizing OCR Stars - an event with bigger rewards than any of the virtual competitions we’ve seen so far. Obviously, we need a lot more information about this race/workout series. Those details are set to drop September 2 on OCRStars.com. For now, you can learn more on Obstacle Dominator and/or The Running Public.

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