New West Point IOC Record

Every cadet must complete West Point's grueling Indoor Obstacle Course (IOC) before graduation, and they must do it within the specified time limit.

The IOC consists of 11 challenges that include crawling, climbing, balancing, carrying, and of course, running. One lap of the 350-meter sprint on the track requires carrying a six-pound medicine ball. 

Men must complete the course within three minutes and 30 seconds (3:30); but to receive an A+ grade, they need to do it in 2:26 . Women pass if they complete the IOC in five minutes, 29 seconds (5:29). If they want an A+, they need a time no longer than 3:11. 

On March 24, Cadet Elizabeth Bradley completed the West Point IOC in two minutes and twenty seconds (2:20). The run took training, focus, and incredible stamina. Watch Cadet Bradley's record-breaking performance below.   

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